"For all of the parasociality and isolation one might encounter on social media, Twitter has been a good way to casually meet people and develop or maintain relationships with them, something I as an introvert struggle with."

100% yes to this. It seems weird to use the terms "connection" and "Twitter" in the same sentence, but here we are. And I think this matters to way more people than would ever admit it.

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Thanks! Reading your comment, I realize I mentally drafted (then forgot to include when actually writing) a bit like 'Social media, at least by an average person's intention with use--and probably before the News Feed aggregated and consumed individual sites and profiles--was never meant to fully displace irl socialization, but rather to supplement other socializing. Find some people who share an interest or two. Figure out a way to start a sci-fi meetup group with them that's not dominated by those snobby slobs at the local comic book shop. Follow someone who seems alright and think 'hey, maybe I can pick up knitting like them' or 'Hmm, perhaps we can meet up for drinks if I take a trip to Boston.'

It's a fine line to walk, but the possibilities opened up by social media--even if only the reminder that these other people still exist, and they probably see your stuff--can be helpful in maintaining connections that may otherwise wither ...' or something like that.

Always glad to know someone is out there reading my words and spending time with them!

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